Julie Armitage
Licensed Avatar® Master
Hello .. I am an Avatar Master. Part of a team of Avatar Masters from around the world. Contributing to the creation of an Enlightened Planetary Civilization® by using the Avatar Materials.
The aim is to help people understand how they create their reality and learn how to change what they want to change. This can be from personal sense of happiness and inner peace to a successful life. This is done through a series of Avatar exercises that allow you to unlock your own potential in a non-confrontational way.
Today I am based in Braintree, Essex and I have been an Avatar Master since 2001.
Back Ground
Originally Julie studied fashion Design in Salisbury and later London. Over the years she has had a variety of diverse and interesting careers.
In 1992 I did the Avatar course for myself, back then there was only one Avatar Master in the UK. I made many changes to the beliefs I held back then. Especially around confidence and money. In 2001 I trained as an Avatar Master to deliver the International Avatar Course. Avatar helps people gain the abilities to not only manage their own lives successfully but to become leaders themselves, with the Avatar techniques. Every area of your life can be explored it is up to you.
Julie Armitage
Licensed Avatar Master
Empowering dreams and the tools to create them
Mob: 07802702852
SKype Julie.armitage1
Email: julie@avatar-essex.co.uk
Web: https://www.avatar-essex.co.uk
Web: http://www.theavatarcourse.com for Course dates and locations
Web: http://avatarmastercourse.com
About the Master Course training